Friday, 15 August 2008

Shoe love

If I had these shoes I think I'd be pretty much sorted for life. Why would you need any other shoes if you had these ones? I'd wear the Satrinxia platforms for everday wear (shopping e.t.c.) and the Cavalli's for evening wear such as meals out or going to parties. I would totally colour coordinate. I wouldn't care if I couldn't walk in them because of the enormous heel and if I hobbled embarrassingly around because they would be mine and everyone would have huge shoe envy. I wouldn't even mind if my feet suffered and I was in pain; I'd just have to look down and I would be reminded that the pain was worth it. I think I'd even maybe go without food to pay the £775 price tag for them both (although, I don't think I could ever forgo Mini Chedders or Ben and Jerry's) ...

... I'm just about to go bowling ... without the Satrinxia platforms or the Cavalli's. I'll soon be wearing bowling shoes a.k.a. clown shoes.

P.S. In response to Ida's comment (from Rogue Marie) on my previous post about her apprehensiveness of black lacy tops and what to wear with them, here is my suggestion:


Sharon said...

A great choice of day and evening shoes!!! Yes, bowling shoes are totally a nothing style shoe, haha!!

Claudia said...

Those Satrinxia platforms are really really pretty! They would go with just about everything!

jess said...

Those shoes are great.I love them both

Sienna said...

I love the second pair.. and that beaded flower piece!

Squishybubble said...

Greeeeeeeeat shoes!! MUST. HAVE. NOW!!

Style Spot said...

Those shoes are fantastic! I really want all of them! Great choices.


yiqin; said...

Shoes are the best!!!! They always make me sooooooooooooooooo happy ;)

Mode Junkie said...

love the wooden sandals! :)!

emsie said...

i'm really liking the lace below & really like the shoes.

WendyB said...

I love wooden platforms.


great great choices! :-)


KLF said...

ahhh those heels look a bit intimidating for me... and my motto when it comes to shoes, if it's not comfortable, don't buy it so I get by going shopping in Boston in my best pumps and be blister free and my friends are in awe as how I manage to do so. Quite simple thought actually! But I do agree - lovely shoes!

KLF said...

AND I ADORE THAT FLOWER PEARL BRACELET!!! it's so... (this word never tires me when it comes to fashion) ROMANTIC.. it's my weakness!! light pale coulour palette - your greys, pinks, charcoals, bit of lace and embroidered detail - ivory, add in pearls and flower, few ornamental objects and you've got my fascination!

Pamela Tan said...

i wud also wear those platforms 24/7 if they're comfortable! :) but sometimes, the added height makes me look like a GIANT in the flip-flop donned crowd in Manila *sigh*