Saturday 15 December 2007

Whose shoes?

The other week I went into a shop and was looking at the shoe section. To my delight, I saw a gorgeous pair of shoes on the floor directly in front of me. I started to pick them up and got ready to try them on when I realised that there was a woman stood next to me looking puzzled at the shoes. I then realised that they were hers! I quickly left. Has anyone else got any embarrasing shop incidents that they'd like to share?

P.S Gossip Girl is coming to the UK! To ITV2 to be exact, next year. Can't wait!


Alexandra said...

That is funny. Sounds so much like something I would do.
I hope she did take it as a compliment. If I were her, this would have made my day.

S said...

:o Mortifying. Lucky for me, I haven't had an embarrassing shopping trip yet, but hell, I'm only 15. I'm sure I'll have one before I turn 16 =p

Closetlies said...

oh Audrey would so wear velvet shoes

Patent Shoes && Rants said...

I once snatched a pair of sneakers from behind a women- She had put them behind her so she could put on her own shoes and go pay for the pair.

Oops =X.
